电视剧倒计时全集 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 2006

导演: 大卫·格瑞尼


The story appears simple on the surface, but is revealed, especially after multiple viewings, as more multi-layered and textured than Cassavetes at his best. Ostensibly it concerns a 14-year old Catholic girl, Wynne (Agutter) growing up in this post-modern wasteland, who develops a crush on her much older adoptive brother (Marshall)- a crush which perversely deepens and grows into infatuation once she starts to believe he is the local sex killer. This is in itself an idea that makes you sit up and jolt, but as the narrative develops, it continues not necessarily along a linear path but in several confusing and fascinating directions: the family's history, (detailed effectively in chilling flashback during an improvised seance) is a chequered one, and has suffered at least one major relocation and upheaval in the last ten years. At the crux, however, it's the depiction of socialal changes that make I Start Counting so fascinating and elevate its language far beyond the confines of the standard horror film. The major subtext- that teenage girls were maturing more quickly than before, and developing full sexual and romantic appetites (even if in thought rather than deed) but were not possessed of enough discretion to make the right choices- was a step forward for a genre in which its young females had previously been portrayed as bimbo victims (Cover Girl Killer and The Night Caller spring to mind), but not one that all viewers would necessarily agree with. But most striking of all, and possibly the most enduring image which the viewer will take away with them, is of the masterful symbolism with which director Greene invests every shot. Every inch of the Kinch family's world- their house, their walls, their TV, Agutters underwear, bedroom furniture and toys, Sutcliffe's clothes, Marshalls van, the local Catholic church, their town centre, their record shop) - is painted a bright, scintillating white- a white which, by inference, is slowly becoming smudged and corrupted with the dirt of the outside world. White also symbolises, of course, purity and innocence (two qualities Catholic schoolgirls are supposed to hold dear), and it is into this world of innocence that the ever-present red bus (a symbol of violation and penetration), conducted by the lecherous yet similarly juvenile Simon Ward, makes regular journeys. The allegory is further expanded in one scene where Agutter believes she sees the Christ figure in church weeping blood: by the time we acknowledge it, its gone, but the seed has already been planted. Rarely in a genre production has the use of colour and background been so important or effective in creating a uniformity of mood. I Start Counting is as near-perfect an end to a decade as one could hope for, and exactly the kind of film people should be making now- which is, of course, exactly why they never will. A genre essential. by D.R. 


  • 卫小南 0小时前 :


  • 函巍然 1小时前 :

    you would be my new king, Amleth”

  • 宏柔绚 9小时前 :


  • 希涵瑶 3小时前 :


  • 仲孙浩涆 3小时前 :


  • 乜信瑞 3小时前 :


  • 仕骞 4小时前 :


  • 势梓蓓 4小时前 :

    6/10 王子复仇记的故事被拍过无数次,但长镜头的调度百看不厌。疼痛感十足(某一程度上成为A24的企业文化)。近几年几乎有一种史诗电影的回潮,历史似乎重现上一世纪的电影&电视之争,是否也是新媒体时代、后疫情时代影院对抗其他影像媒介的方式呢?

  • 呼芷荷 0小时前 :


  • 嘉家 5小时前 :

    有些失望,最期待的生命政治的故事线,顶多算冒了个泡。整个故事浸没在晦涩艰深的低语中,以一个艺术家的先锋尝试,去找寻new sex。艺术的先锋,社会语境的割裂,器官的崇高感使得电影脱离了body horror的经典表达。他似乎走到了《钛》之后的那部,已经试图在政治 神秘的窄缝里,但就如莫滕森死神一般的装束里柯南伯格依然是悲观的,这条后人类的新路,有了声响却再度落入概念的窠臼

  • 倩柔 9小时前 :

    三星儿半吧,摄影占了大部分。skarscard的三角肌也太夸张了。而且男主的设定是early to mid-twenties? skarscard演这个也太勉强了。人们本来都是我很喜欢的人们

  • 堂晓瑶 0小时前 :

    大衛哥連堡對於受奇形怪狀的外部義肢(調整坐姿幫助消化的早餐椅、協助入睡的機器)長期操控而獲致的單純的感官體驗已經不感興趣,他真正想要進行的是一如片中的女藝術家Caprice所言,我們只能一而再,再而三地深入身體內部,從虛空(無組織、無意義的器官群)之中創造出意義/答案。主人公Saul Tenser於結局流下的一滴眼淚既是他終於接受身體進化的象徵,同時亦是他親自承認「混亂的」、「碎片化的」身體成為大腦以外的全新智慧生命的光輝見證:何嘗不是一種近似於宗教式狂喜的超驗性瞬間(新技術、新身體/器官、新藝術三位一體),神似德萊葉鏡頭下的貞德受難。

  • 希涵瑶 5小时前 :


  • 昂新翰 3小时前 :


  • 幸思云 8小时前 :


  • 康子骞 0小时前 :


  • 妍旭 7小时前 :


  • 左安顺 9小时前 :

    竟然历史还原度这么高…感觉大家都是来看他裸体打斗的,我也是。Anya的口音真大可不必。björk这个出场也太短了吧,后面Walküre我都恍惚这是谁难道是aurora,她应该出现在这个电影里啊。well最该出现在这个电影里的还是Jóhann Jóhannsson吧。Kidman角色真是…但她演疯女人真好看!一刀到位就更棒了

  • 姜鸿畅 3小时前 :


  • 俊恒 0小时前 :



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